Arundhati Nag, renowned theatre personality and National award winner and also one of the people that heads Ranga Shankara, asked us to create something memorable and unforgettable for this year's theatre festival. So, under Sonia's guidance, and with help from the Ranga Shankara team, the team at Idiom created some unforgettable characters for each form of theatre that will be featured in this year's theatre festival.
The Press conference announcing the Theatre festival was held on the 7th of October. Everyone loved our beloved characters. We were told that nearly every one wanted to take photographs with them. The following day, we brought the characters back home to Idiom, to shoot a few commercials and the masks had the same effect. Everyone in the office was busy taking photographs with these masks.
We kick off our events on the 12th of September and we're also planning to have a banner painting event in Cubbon park, Bangalore on the 16th. We're looking forward to this Theatre festival as this was one of the most fun projects that we have ever worked on. So, we hope to see you at Ranga Shankara between the 22nd and the 1st. Keep watching this space for more on the Theatre festival and there will be an article soon on the different Characters that we have created. Lets all make a joint effort and help Ranga Shankara and Idiom bring Theatre Alive!
-Posted By Rahul
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